The Saudi Central Bank announced its decision on 20 / 7 / 1442 corresponding to 4 / 3 / 2021, which stipulates revoking the Oun Finance Company's license issued by The Saudi Central Bank for practicing finance activities to small and medium-sized enterprises, financial leasing and consumer finance in the Kingdom.
In a statement, the Saudi Central Bank clarified that the cancellation decision was based on the company's letter No. 04/2020 dated 29 / 8 /1441AH, which includes the request to cancel the company's license for the purpose of voluntary liquidation, and based on the decision of the company's extraordinary general assembly on 22 / 1 / 1442AH corresponding to 10 / 09 / 2020, stipulating the consent of the capital owner regarding the voluntary liquidation of the company and the appointment of the liquidation attorney.
The Saudi Central Bank invites all clients of the company who have standing rights or claims to review the company in this regard. In the event that the company does not respond, the central bank urges clients to submit their claims to the Consumer Protection Department within three months from the date of the announcement, through "Sama Cares" website (, or by calling the number Toll-free (8001256666).